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rough-draft of a lady

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello Spring

I have been looking at everything around me in great detail lately. I imagine that is partly because I carry my camera around with me all the time, and partly because everything is suddenly more lit up, the way spring will.

Last night at Toad, the guy sitting next to me at the bar wanted to know what I was writing about it my notepad. I told him that I was taking notes for an article, and though I had been moments before, at that time I was writing about an old obsession I had with a musician in the room.

He said he had a lot of ideas, and was creative, but that he could not write well. I asked him how he knew that. He looked surprised, but I think I saw something in his eyes, a little bit of untapped talent, perhaps. Everyone's story is worth something, maybe I will get to read his someday.

